



To assist engineers, accountants and contractors in setting up an assessment, bidding, inventorying works and requirements, and trading data in a completely secure manner.You can create an invoice by selecting items from the items database or adding a new item. The item is classified according to the type of work (civil - electrical - mechanical ........) and determines the quantity and price and calculates the total assay, tax rate and financial item.It also helps you calculate the cost of each item through tables (labor - raw materials - transportation .......).As well as creating timetables for the implementation of each item separately and for the measurement in general, and drawing charts for all of that.Determining the dates of the envelope opening committees, site delivery, process duration, guarantee period, stopping periods, and additional periods, and drawing diagrams for them.Making inventory of quantities faster, as the program provides data analysis during inventory work.The program contains a database of your own contractors, which you can modify or share with others.The assessment can be exported in the form of a bid for one of the contractors to set the price, and then receive it to determine the lowest priced contractors. It also recalculates the contractors prices according to the executed quantities.All data can be printed in more than one format on Word files for easy modification and so on.* There are a lot of features and services that you can discover.* The program is under development, so I hope to send any suggestions, modifications, or error detection.And I do not ask you for any reward for it. My reward is with the Lord of the Worlds.